Entrance Counseling and MPN in 5 Minutes In order to secure the federal direct student loan for freshman year of college, students must complete entrance counseling and...
Occidental College: A Great West Coast School Occidental College: A Great West Coast School Occidental (“Oxy”) gives you lots of reasons to love it, from academics, to...
Winning the College Finance Game: Basic Components to Help Maximize Your Family’s Financial Aid Package Winning the College Finance Game: Basic Components to Help Maximize Your Family’s Financial Aid Package First things first – don’t...
2019 Paying/Borrowing Timeline Although we’re a little over 3 months away from fall semester bills we want to start to get a better...
Corruption, bribery, and college admissions: just another day at the office? Corruption, bribery, and college admissions: just another day at the office? As breaking news about a college admissions cheating and bribery...
Verification and IDOC IDOC and the federal verification process is what you can expect to tackle once the FAFSA, CSS Profile, and any...
Timeline Admissions, Financial Aid, and Scholarship Timeline. Deadlines are paramount. Knowing what is around the corner will help limit the stress...
The biggest piece of advice from parent’s who have just gone through the college process. We survey parent’s at the end of every year. Matt shares the biggest piece of advice from parent’s who have...
We don’t qualify for NEED-based aid…what can we do? If you are a family who will not be eligible to receive need-based financial aid, it is even more important...